On Tuesday 11th November at 8:00pm AEST (UTC +11hrs), @OzLearn is having its next monthly twitter chat. The topic for the chat is based on the post The Benefits and Challenges of Embedding Learning in Work by @charlesjennings To join the chat, go to Twitter at 8pm on 11/11, search for @OzLearn and join in the conversation (don’t forget to add #ozlearn to your tweets). There's also an OzLearn LinkedIn group where you can view the Storify of the chat afterwards. Hope you can join us for the chat!
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Often when we talk about our work, we talk in terms of ‘what’ we did. The Showing My Work series of posts aim to also capture the ‘how’ something was done. E-Learning Heroes Challenge #42 – Smartphone Video. The brief: This week, your challenge is to record, edit, and publish a training video using your smartphone. Choose a topic that allows you to record multiple videos for your project. The focus on this challenge is as much about editing as it is recording. I almost didn’t do this challenge because I thought I wouldn't have time but I did, and...
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Motivation has been and continues to be a widely studied area across many of life’s domains. Motivation is the energising force that initiates and sustains behaviour and ultimately produces results. Many motivation theories focus on the amount of motivation, with a larger quantity said to result in improved outcomes. However, as educators we shouldn’t focus on generating more motivation from people but instead focus on creating conditions that facilitate the internalisation of motivation from within people. Self-determination theory (SDT), an empirical theory of motivation by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan, focuses on the degree in which behaviour is self-motivated and...
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Often when we talk about our work, we talk in terms of ‘what’ we did. The Showing My Work series of posts aim to also capture the ‘how’ something was done. E-Learning Heroes Challenge #50 – Flat Office Design The brief: This week your challenge is to design an office or desktop theme based on your own workplace environment. Design as many objects as you like. For variety, try adding both top and front views of your workspace. Extra credit: Share a photo of your office workspace so we can compare it with your flat design template. According to Wikipedia, “Flat...
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Welcome to my new site! It’s been quite a few weeks in the making and I’m happy to finally launch it. I started writing on the Learning Snippets blog about 18 months ago and over that time I’ve changed and evolved (actually, I still am) and as a result I wanted to update my site to reflect this. I wanted to do more with my blogging and sharing, so I decided that I needed a new space to achieve this goal. Getting to this point will be a post in itself in the not too distant future. About the same...
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