In life, if someone reaches their 100th birthday it’s significant achievement. In cricket, to score 100 runs and still be batting is also a significant achievement. So when David Anderson announced the E-Learning Heroes Challenge #100, another significant milestone had been reached. The challenges started back in 2013 and from a modest beginning, with just a few people sharing their demos, the number of people participating has grown significantly over time (to date over 2,300 demos have been shared). When I first came across them, I must admit that I thought they were a bit silly. They weren’t whole courses and...
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Often when we talk about our work, we talk in terms of ‘what’ we did. The Showing My Work series of posts aim to also capture the ‘how’ something was done. E-Learning Heroes Challenge #98 – E-Learning Buzzword Bingo Games. The brief: This week your challenge is to create an e-learning buzzword bingo card or interaction. My first idea for this challenge was to create a bingo card using the most overused words in learning, for example engagement or thought leader or wearable technology. But then I had another idea, instead of using words you might hear at a conference...
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On Tuesday 8th September at 8:00pm AEST, @OzLearn is having its next monthly twitter chat. This month, our guest is Chief Learning Rebel, Shannon Tipton (@stipton) and we'll be chatting about Twitter chats! You can view a post by Shannon by clicking here. To join the chat, go to Twitter at 8pm on 8/9, search for @OzLearn and join in the conversation (don’t forget to add #ozlearn to your tweets). There is also an OzLearn LinkedIn group where you can view the Storify of the chat afterwards. Hope you can join us for the chat!
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Since I was young I’ve always enjoyed stopping whenever I come across a construction site. I’m interested in how buildings, from houses to skyscrapers, are put together. It really doesn’t matter what stage of construction the building is at either for me to pause to take a look. I like to see things like the depth of the footings or the size of the columns and supporting beams or the length of the cantilevered balconies or how the wall framework will divide an empty space or how the roof structure will finish off the building. Image source:Shutterstock While completed structures...
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Often when we talk about our work, we talk in terms of ‘what’ we did. The Showing My Work series of posts aim to also capture the ‘how’ something was done. E-Learning Heroes Challenge #94 – Interactive Video: Visual Interviews in Online Training. The brief: This week your challenge is to create an interactive video interview. Every so often David Anderson posts a weekly challenge that I know I want to participate in (even if it’s not in the current week) and this was one of those challenges. I haven’t done a whole lot with shooting my own videos (apart...
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